Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Busy in Paradise

Hi friends.  I hope you've had a great week so far and your weekend was nice.  Mine was BUSY.  I got some planting done (some of my 'start inside stuff')

-Cayenne Pepper
-Lemon balm
-Bell pepper
-Yellow Onion

Once it starts sprouting, I'll be sure to snap a few pics.  (I'm smiling really big right now...Cosmo is behind the entertainment center chatting up a storm)

I did a hive inspection on Sunday, and was mostly satisfied with what I saw...the bees are taking the sugar water, which is awesome!  They are still clumped a bit (it hasn't been really warm yet) but they are starting to draw out comb, but I didn't see any eggs or the queen.  I'm sure things are fine, because yesterday they were bringing in pollen...but I can't wait to see eggs and capped brood.  You'll be seeing it as soon as I do.

I have gotten some other seeds in the mail and at the local feed store, and can't wait to plan them too.

-Shasta Daisy
-Four O'Clocks
-Lemon Mint
-Mountain Phlox
-Crimson Clover

The chickens are doing GREAT in their new home, and they love it.  They are so cute scratching around and snuggled up on their perches.  See the video included for a snip of them.

The weather is slowly but surely getting warmer, and I can't wait for that to continue.  The fresh air feels amazing, and I feel truly blessed to be able to do the things that I do.  I have great support from my friends and family, and I can't wait to see what this summer/year brings.

Hugs from my little slice of paradise to yours!


Great place for ordering seeds!

Have a great day!


  1. Hopefully the weather in your part of Michigan is better than where I'm at! Snow today, but I hope to do my first hive inspection of the year this coming Sunday when the temps are suppose to be in the high 60's.

    So, what did you end up doing for your feeder?

  2. I filled a mason jar with sugar water and poked three tiny holes in the lid and put it over the inner cover opening...SUCCESS!

    1. Pretty much the same thing I did. No drowned bees that way either.
